Singer-songwriter Chloe Alison Escott, the post-punk duo the Native Cats singer drops her first solo debut album, Stars Under Contract, a beautiful solo piano record. Watch the video for I Know the Soul By Its Presence in Others and grab the album here.
Chloe Alison Escott on the album:
It’s a real ~solo album~ kind of solo album, just piano and voice. I recorded it in Melbourne with Ev in the space of an afternoon back in February, but it’s been in the works for much longer than that – the songs ranged from being written three weeks earlier to 15 years earlier, and Ev and I had been talking about doing it like this for ages and even had a sort of trial run in 2017. I’ve waited a long, long time to make this record, and to be the person who would dare make this record, and I’m glad I waited.